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The Shops At Canton Crossing



Baltimore, MD



“Award of Excellence” by  NAIOP, MD Chapter for: Overall Design Team; Community Impact;  and Best Retail Building

GTA has performed Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) at the subject property. This previously distressed property is located in a developing area of Baltimore and had local residential support to develop the area. A former petroleum plant refinery and distribution/bulk storage was located at the site from 1892 until the mid-1950s, when it then became an asphalt plant, followed by a bulk storage terminal until 1998. Extensive preliminary research was required to historically understand the activities performed at this site. Previous environmental investigations determined impacted groundwater and soil with petroleum hydrocarbons and were used in conjunction with GTA’s Phase II ESA data to fill vital data gaps (e.g., methane, heavy metals). The historical documentation and site evaluations were submitted to Maryland’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP). A Response Action Plan (RAP) pursuant to the VCP was approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) on an expedited turn-around time to establish a proposed remedy for on-site contamination in conjunction with planned site development. The 325,000-SF development plan includes Target, Harris Teeter, Old Navy, Michaels, Loft, ULTA Beauty, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Five Below, Sleepy’s, BB&T Bank, and Vitamin Shoppe. GTA prepared and implemented a RAP, which included installation of a passive and active soil venting systems at each of the retail buildings, capping, confirmation indoor air monitoring, management of dewatering activities and site soils, and engineering and institutional controls. GTA’s services also included construction observation and testing services during the demolition and removal of former refinery structures and petroleum conduits.

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