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The Heritage
Construction, Geotechnical

Calvert County, MD
GTA performed subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, geotechnical analysis, and construction observation and testing services for The Heritage residential development with 74 single-family lots. GTA Waldorf’s services included observation and testing for site work including site grading, utility construction, subgrade soils, cast-in-place concrete, bituminous concrete, and stormwater management facilities. The presence of diatomaceous soils with high moisture contents presented a multitude of problems and GTA provided engineered solutions. Roadway subgrades were stabilized with soil cement. Deep fill areas were monitored with settlement plates to determine when house construction could commence. Steep slopes were filled or undercut and refilled with lime-treated soils. The faces of the steep slopes were stabilized with turf reinforcement mats. House foundations were observed and tested by GTA.