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Sussex Consortium School

Sussex County, DE
This $44M school on 26 acres combines a traditional pre-school with a special needs school. The school specializes in students with all types of Autism from pre-K through age 21. GTA provided subsurface exploration including eight Cone Penetration Test soundings and 14 Standard Penetration Test borings, laboratory testing and engineering analysis, and a geotechnical report summarizing the results and recommendations for the 111,000-SF, two-story school with 46 classrooms, two gymnasiums, an indoor pool, and associated site improvements. Specifically, geotechnical recommendations were provided for foundation support, slab support, site grading, groundwater control, SWM/utility construction, and pavement support. GTA also provided construction observation and testing services related to soil, concrete, structural steel, masonry, and hot mix asphalt construction.