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Summerfield Crossing


Montgomery County, MD


GTA performed stream, groundwater, and stormwater monitoring services at the Summerfield Crossing development located in Montgomery County, Maryland. This work was required by the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (MCDEP). The development consists of approximately 71-acres with 255-residential units, and stormwater BMPs include dry ponds, a forebay, dry swales, bioretention structures, and surface sand filters. GTA’s services consisted of:

  • Stream temperature monitoring through the use of in-stream mounted temperature probes
  • Stream flow monitoring
  • Stream embeddedness monitoring
  • Floodplain photographic documentation
  • Stream nutrient sampling
  • Evaluation of stormwater BMP efficiency in reducing pollutant loads by using automated samplers and area velocity meters to estimate pollutant mass entering and exiting the BMP systems.

The purpose of the work was to evaluate potential impacts of the development on stream and groundwater conditions. The evaluation was successfully completed; GTA coordinated with MCDEP to conclude monitoring and to release our Client from further monitoring requirements.

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