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Riverside East Business Park
Harford County, MD
GTA obtained state and federal wetland permits for permanent impacts to intermittent streams from development of the 175-acre Riverside East Business Park property in Belcamp, Maryland. The owner agreed to compensatory mitigation through the preservation of 26-acres of nontidal forested wetlands and restoration of a section of an intermittent stream channel. In addition to wetland delineation and permitting services, GTA provided stream restoration design, construction observation and project management for a 75-foot section of severely degraded and eroded channel that flows into the preserved wetland area.
The restoration project included the grading and the installation of imbricated rip-rap toe rock around two eroded stream bends to minimize further scouring and erosion during storm events. The area adjacent to the restored stream was planted with herbaceous and woody riparian vegetation to provide a stable and more attractive looking channel.