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ONE 22 ONE Office Tower

Davidson County, TN
GTA provided the geotechnical study and construction observation and special inspections for the construction of the ONE 22 ONE high-rise in Nashville, Tennessee. ONE 22 ONE consists of 365,000 SF of Class AA office space, having 24 levels of above grade construction with three levels constructed below grade. The subsurface conditions include a relatively thin interval of soil, underlain by limestone bedrock. The subsurface exploration included obtaining numerous rock cores to assess the allowable bearing capacity of the underlying bedrock. GTA provided recommendations pertaining to the design of spread foundations on the bedrock surface. Additional air-rotary drilling techniques were used to assess the competency of the bedrock as it related to pre-split rock face, allowing for an open air design of the below grade construction and shoring design. GTA provided additional recommendations during construction which limited the need for below grade walls along the southern limits of the site.
GTA was on-site to provide client liaison, project management, scheduling and field observation/testing for concrete placement and post-tension floor slabs. As a result of the accelerated schedule, and GTA’s ability to provide quick response to the contractors’ needs, the project topped-out ahead of schedule.