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Naval Weapons Station Earle, Water Storage Tank Replacement

Monmouth County, NJ
GTA’s Somerset and NYC Metro offices teamed up to provide construction observation and testing (COT) services during construction of the 0.15 MG spheroidal elevated water storage tank replacement at Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Earle, in Colts Neck, NJ. Throughout this project, GTA worked alongside the Naval Engineers from Annapolis, MD in order to ensure their specification process was followed completely.
GTA’s services provided during construction of the tank’s foundation included observing and documenting the steel driven pile installation operations, load tests, and data collection including such items as type and size of drill rig, pile hammer, rate of penetration, type and dimensions of the piles, and the tip depth below the ground surface. GTA provided observation of reinforcing steel and observation and sampling of the cast-in-place concrete for the foundation, as well as subgrade preparation, structural fill, backfill placement, utility backfill, and pavement COT services.
A major component of GTA’s efforts on this 275-foot-tall tank involved structural steel observations. The entire steel structure was assembled in our client’s (Landmark Structures) fabrication shop in Dallas, Texas, where GTA observed their construction procedures, complete penetrating welds, as well as round the clock Ultra Sonic and Radiographic testing. These services were also performed by GTA and our subcontractor, Branch Testing, at the NWS Earle construction site where the massive sections were hoisted into place and welded together.