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Lancaster Newspaper Parking Structure
Environmental, Geotechnical
Lancaster, PA
GTA ESI provided environmental services during the construction of a six-level precast concrete parking structure in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. GTA ESI was retained during the installation of caissons when petroleum-impacted soil and groundwater were encountered. On an emergency basis, GTA ESI mobilized vacuum tankers and roll-off containers for containerizing and capturing the contaminated media with minimal impact to the overall construction schedule. The garage required excavations up to 17 feet in depth within an urban environment with existing structures on two sides of the proposed garage. The onsite space constraints required continuous communication between three separate contractors, the client, and GTA ESI. GTA ESI also provided environmental health and safety monitoring and consultation when unknown, volatile substances were encountered during horizontal drilling operations.
Additionally, soils impacted with heavy metals were identified on portions of the property during the foundation excavation activities. GTA ESI provided onsite soil management, sampling, disposal, and backfill placement so that horizontal and vertical drilling crews and excavation crews could continue operations with minimal interruptions.
This three-acre project addressed petroleum impacted soils and groundwater, heavy metals impacted soil, health and safety issues. The project was closed through the PADEP Special Projects Section.