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Johnson Controls York County Office and Test Lab Campus


Shrewsbury, PA


GTA provided geotechnical engineering services for Johnson Controls, at the $150M, 57-acre complex called the Applied Development & Engineering Center, located in southern York County, Pennsylvania. This project includes a 107,000-SF, three-story office building, and a 286,000-SF, state-of-the-art testing and laboratory facility where Johnson Controls tests water- and air-cooled chillers as well as air-handling units.

GTA’s scope included supplementing a preliminary geotechnical study with test pits, test borings, and in situ testing, which led to GTA providing value engineering of the spread footing foundations and floor slab, effectively eliminating the need to perform large-scale undercuts and aggregate replacement. GTA also provided services to evaluate the deep foundations required for isolated sound chambers, settlement caused by deep fill placement, and pavement section design. GTA’s Water Resources team also assisted with the stormwater management permitting process by providing hydrogeologic and soil science services.

GTA provided construction observation and testing for the site grading and building construction, which included earthwork observations and testing, evaluation of footing subgrades, monitoring of auger pressure-grouted piles, and observations and testing of pavements, reinforcing steel, masonry, concrete, and structural steel.

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