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Harford Waste Disposal Center

Harford County, MD
Cell N-1 – GTA performed the QC Observation and testing services during grading of a 12+ acre, solid waste municipal landfill cell. Services included field density testing, sample collection and laboratory testing for classification, moisture-density, and permeability, and in situ field infiltration testing consisting of double ring infiltrometers. Laboratory testing services included index testing, direct shear, and permeability of the soils used during liner construction and general fill operations.
Cell N2 – GTA performed a geotechnical exploration and provided recommendations to facilitate the design of the referenced landfill 12+ acre cell. Services included SPT borings, geophysical transects, laboratory testing of soils, to evaluate the subsurface conditions and map the rock surface elevations. During construction, GTA provided services as the full-time resident project representative (RPR) to observe that construction was being performed in accordance with the plans and specifications, and the find resolution as problems arose.of a new access road. Services also included the design of a reinforced soil slope and new access road along the limits of the cells. During construction, GTA provided services as the full-time resident project representative (RPR) to observe that construction was being performed in accordance with the plans and specifications, and the find resolution as problems arose.