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AdvanSix Cumene and Phenol Deck Rehabilitation



City of Philadelphia, PA


AdvanSix is a chemical manufacturer that uses cumene to produce phenol and acetone. Their Frankford plant along the Delaware River is one of North America’s largest producers of phenol, which is shipped to customers around the world. GTA is providing construction observation (COT) and testing services during reconstruction of their existing 12,384-square foot (SF) dock which is used to transfer highly flammable chemicals on and off barges. The dock repairs, which are taking place while the product transfers remain ongoing, include a new steel sheet pile wall containing 131 sheet piles with 83 battered H-Piles for the entire length of the dock, and underpinning of all the active pipe racks. Additionally, GTA is providing COT services during construction of a new 224-SF dock house (6 piles), 160-SF motor control center building (6 piles), new 271-SF boiler building (6 piles), new 1,020-SF slop tank foundation (4 piles), and new 2,490-SF Phenol High Deck (69 piles). GTA’s badged on-site personnel are TWIC and OSHA certified, receive yearly drug tests, and have received site specific safety training.

Some of the challenges encountered during construction of this project include:

  • The existing structures had to be suspended from “false work” in order to underpin them. The owner required that the pipe racks not move in any direction more than ¼ inch. To accommodate this, threaded rods were adhesive set into holes drilled into the existing foundations so that they could be bolted to the “false work.” GTA’s services included load testing portions of the threaded rods for each foundation.
  • This dock is one of the lowest on the Delaware River. With its low deck at elevation +3, the fluctuating tides are especially challenging. The existing sea wall is +10 and a “blow-in tide” can be as high as +11-12.
  • The first floor for the three buildings is +15. The top of pile cap for each building is +9.
  • The existing pier was not built per the existing plans; therefore, several redesigns were required.

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