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Principio Business Park & Warehouses

Construction, Environmental, Geotechnical


Cecil County, MD


GTA provided geotechnical engineering and natural resource planning services in conjunction with the comprehensive master land use plan for large warehouse/distribution (up to 1,500,000 SF in size) and office uses at the Principio Business Park, a 1,500-acre property with rail access and close proximity to Interstate 95. GTA has also provided geotechnical explorations and recommendations, natural resources planning, environmental site assessments, and construction observation and testing services for several parcels at the business park.

Site “A” KeHE Distributors – Subsurface exploration (33 SPT borings & CPT soundings, plus 8 more SPT borings for SWM and large retaining wall), laboratory testing, geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting, natural resource planning, and construction observation and testing (COT) services for the 550,050-SF building.

Site “B” Amazon – Geotechnical engineering, natural resources planning, and COT services for the 1,142,600-SF, fast-track, regional distribution center. The project was the first of its magnitude to be designed and constructed under the ‘Environmental Site Design’ stormwater regulations.

Site “C-1” and “C-2” – Geotechnical engineering, natural resource services, and construction observation and testing for Site C-1, a 593,520-SF SF building, associated pavement areas, retaining wall and five stormwater management facilities, and Site C-2, a 150,000-SF building, associated pavement areas, two retaining walls, and three SWM facilities. Approximately 900 linear feet of intermittent stream channels will be permanently impacted to develop the site. Natural resource services included threatened and endangered species inquiries, joint wetland permit application, wetland delineation, and a Phase I Stream Mitigation plan.

Site “D” Smithfield Foods – Geotechnical engineering, natural resources planning, and environmental consulting for a 578,490-SF warehouse including recommendations for structural fills, foundations, slab-on-grade, and pavement design. Services also included design of two segmental retaining walls.

Site “F” LiDL – Subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting, natural resources planning, and stream mitigation monitoring services at the site of a 754,195-SF, fast-track, regional distribution center. Outside the typical site components, this project required the design of a public sewage pumping station/force main/gravity sewer extension, a half-mile water main extension.

Site “I” – GTA provided geotechnical engineering and natural resource services including threatened and endangered species inquiries and wetland delineation, report and plan for a proposed 250,000-SF building on approximately 40 acres.

Site “J” TRUaire – Subsurface exploration, geotechnical engineering, and natural resource planning services for the 150,000-SF, fast-track, distribution center. COT services were performed during completion of mining operations with respect to placement and compaction of controlled compacted fill and backfill as low areas were raised with controlled fill to support future structures. As well, COT services were provided during site and building construction.

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