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Union Wharf

Baltimore, MD
“Wintergreen Award of Excellence” from the Maryland Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council Maryland
“Multifamily Community of the Year” and “Best Rental Apartment Community (Non-Garden, Five Stories or Less),” by the National Association of Home Builders.
“WaveMaker Award,” from the Urban Land Institute Baltimore District.
GTA is responsible for Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for the $72 million redevelopment of a former industrial property into an upscale, LEED Silver designed, mixed-use facility containing 281 apartment, 4,500-SF of retail space, and nearly 500 parking spaces. Previous uses of the subject property have included an oyster and fruit packing company, an ice works facility, salt companies, a can manufacturer, a marine supply, and a concrete plant. Several buildings, including ice houses, boiler rooms, freezing tanks, a coal shed, condensers, an automobile repair building, and garages, were located on the subject property in association with the previous uses and have been removed. As part of the Phase II, a geophysical evaluation was performed, which included an electromagnetic (EM) survey and a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey, which identified anomalies that correlated to railroad tracks, buried metal, piping, and conduit. GTA was selected to generate a Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) approved Phase II ESA Work Plan, which was implemented. Laboratory analysis of samples collected from the site reported elevated concentrations of petroleum constituents, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and arsenic and lead in soil, and petroleum constituents, VOCs, and lead in groundwater, and VOCs in soil vapor. The site was entered into the MDE Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP). GTA prepared and implemented a Response Action Plan (RAP), which included installation of a passive soil venting system, capping, confirmation indoor air monitoring, management of dewatering activities and site soils, and engineering and institutional controls. GTA requested and received a Certificate of Completion from MDE.